S1971E03 Kressin - 02 - Kressin und der Laster nach Lüttich

Doctor Who (1963)
S08E10 The Mind of Evil, Episode Six

Mission: Impossible
S05E22 The Party

Doctor Who (1963)
S08E09 The Mind of Evil, Episode Five

Mission: Impossible
S05E21 A Ghost Story

Coronation Street
S12E16 Feb. 24, 1971

Coronation Street
S12E15 Feb. 22, 1971

Doctor Who (1963)
S08E08 The Mind of Evil, Episode Four

Mission: Impossible
S05E20 Kitara (aka The Bigot)

Coronation Street
S12E14 Feb. 17, 1971

Coronation Street
S12E13 Feb. 15, 1971

Doctor Who (1963)
S08E07 The Mind of Evil, Episode Three

Coronation Street
S12E12 Feb. 10, 1971

Coronation Street
S12E11 Feb. 8, 1971

S1971E02 Lutz - 01 - Auf offener Straße

Doctor Who (1963)
S08E06 The Mind of Evil, Episode Two

Mission: Impossible
S05E19 The Cataflaque

Coronation Street
S12E10 Feb. 3, 1971