Doctor Who (1963)
S05E02 The Tomb of the Cybermen, Episode 2

Coronation Street
S08E71 6 Sep 1967

Coronation Street
S08E71 6 Sep 1967

Doctor Who (1963)
S05E01 The Tomb of the Cybermen, Episode 1

Coronation Street
S08E69 30 Aug 1967

Coronation Street
S08E69 30 Aug 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E138 July 12, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E137 July 11, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E136 July 10, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E135 July 7, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E134 July 6, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E133 July 5, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E132 July 4, 1967

Days of Our Lives
S1967E131 July 3, 1967

Doctor Who (1963)
S04E43 The Evil of the Daleks, Episode 7

Days of Our Lives
S1967E130 June 30, 1967

Doctor Who (1963)
S04E42 The Evil of the Daleks, Episode 6

Doctor Who (1963)
S04E41 The Evil of the Daleks, Episode 5