Coronation Street
S02E31 Apr. 24, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E30 Apr. 19, 1961

The Yogi Bear Show
S03E12 Icebox Raider

Coronation Street
S02E29 Mon 17 Apr, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E29 Mon 17 Apr, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E28 Apr. 12, 1961

The Yogi Bear Show
S03E11 Threadbare Bear / Footlight Fright / Full Course Meal

Coronation Street
S02E27 Apr. 10, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E26 Apr. 5, 1961

The Yogi Bear Show
S03E10 Ring-a-Ding Picnic Basket / Lion Tracks / The Most Ghost

Coronation Street
S02E25 Apr. 3, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E24 March 29, 1961

The Yogi Bear Show
S03E09 Droop-a-Long Yogi / Rent and Rave / Witch Duck-ter

Coronation Street
S02E23 March 27, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E22 March 22, 1961

The Yogi Bear Show
S03E08 Batty Bear / Tail Wag Snag / Dog Pounded

Coronation Street
S02E21 March 20, 1961

Coronation Street
S02E20 March 15, 1961