American Housewife
S03E10 Saving Christmas

S03E08 Chapter Forty-Three: Outbreak

Seal Team
S02E10 Prisoner's Dilemma

S01E09 Icarus

Single Parents
S01E10 The Magic Box

A Million Little Things
S01E10 Christmas Wishlist

All American
S01E08 Homecoming

Champaign ILL
S01E01 A Gangster Way To Start Your Day

Champaign ILL
S01E02 Loop De Loop Fastballs

Champaign ILL
S01E03 Wowee These Guys Are Good!

Champaign ILL
S01E04 Show Me That Lamb

Champaign ILL
S01E05 Supreme Brick

Champaign ILL
S01E06 Not The PT Cruiser

Champaign ILL
S01E07 8.1 Milligrams Per Deciliter

Champaign ILL
S01E08 Cherry Vintage Rascal

Champaign ILL
S01E09 Stewart Copeland, Andy Summers and Sting

Champaign ILL
S01E10 I Wouldn't Sh'ma Just Yet…

Death and Nightingales
S01E03 Episode 3