S19E65 April 24, 2003

S2003E65 April 24, 2003

Days of Our Lives
S2003E114 Ep. #9543

Star Trek: Enterprise
S02E21 The Breach

S04E20 Sacrifice

South Park
S07E06 Lil' Crime Stoppers

Dawson's Creek
S06E20 Catch-22

McLeod's Daughters
S03E09 A House of Cards

That '70s Show
S05E23 Nobody's Fault But Mine (2) (a.k.a. Hyde Loves Jackie)

All My Children
S34E73 Ep. #8578

Berlin, Berlin
S02E02 Frisch verheiratet

Mi gorda bella
S01E116 Episode 116

The Bachelor
S03E04 Week Four (S3)

Days of Our Lives
S2003E113 Ep. #9542

American Idol
S02E30 Six to the Five on A to the I

Law & Order
S13E19 Seer

The West Wing
S04E20 Evidence of Things Not Seen

S02E19 Precipice